Mayor Brown and Members of Council invite you to Celebrate Eid – Gage Park, Downtown Brampton, Peel Region, Ontario, Canada – Sunday April 23 2023

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April 23rd, 2023 Permalink

The City of Brampton in Peel Region, Ontario, hosted for their first time ever, an Official City-wide Eid Celebration. This public Eid Al Fitr Celebration took place in downtown Brampton’s oldest park, Gage Park.

The inaugural program filled its three hour afternoon schedule with a busy slate of Performers, Speakers, Whirling Dervishes, Halal Food Trucks, plus Children’s Games. Rounding out the afternoon included Cultural Displays, Urdu and Punjabi Naats, and face painting for kids. Additionally, numerous families also explored and enjoyed the pair of Eid Labyrinths drawn in chalk.

This Community Eid was hosted by the City of Brampton on Sunday April 23 2023, the Third Day of Eid of Al Fitr 1444, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.

“✨Eid Mubarak✨

“Let’s come together to Celebrate Eid with the City of Brampton on April 23 at Gage Park from 2 to 5 pm.

“Join us for a free City-wide Eid celebration with an entertaining stage program, fun family activities, free giveaways, Halal food trucks, and market vendors.

“Let’s continue the spirit of giving back by bringing a non-perishable food item or a new unwrapped toy to support the local food bank and women’s shelter.

“Save the date and visit for more info.

“See you there!” — Councillor Rowena Santos

( Video : Brampton Councillor Rowena Santos )

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Amira Elghawaby — Canada’s Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia — First Official Community Visit — London, Ontario

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March 21st, 2023 Permalink

Canada’s anti-Islamophobia representative began an official tour of Community Visits with her first stop being London, Ontario, where a Muslim family was killed in June 2021 in what police describe as a hate-motivated attack.

The weekend before Ramadan, March 18 & 19 2023, Amira Elghawaby met with about 200 members of London’s Muslim community. — HïMY SYeD

“The call for the creation of a special office to combat Islamophobia came from Muslim communities across Canada, but most strongly from London Muslim communities,”

“I knew that I had to come to London.” — Amira Elghawaby

“It was very important for me, as the first official trip that I made within 30 days of taking office, to come to London to meet with its Muslim communities because of the tragedy that saw the loss of the beautiful members of the Afzaal family.

“Communities are still coping with the aftermath of that.

“This is where the recommendations to combating Islamophobia emerged, including the recommendation to create an office for a special representative on combatting Islamophobia, came loudest from London Muslims.

“I’ve come here to let people know the work is starting,

“That I’m beginning to consult with community members, starting with London’s Muslim community.” — Amira Elghawaby, in front of Mural painted by Yumna Afzaal. Sunday March 19 2023

( Photo Credit: Mike Hensen / The London Free Press )

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National Day of Remembrance of the Québec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia 🟩 Green Square Campaign

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January 29th, 2022 Permalink

Photographies de partout au Canada partagées en cette Journée nationale de commémoration de l’attaque de la mosquée de Québec et d’action contre l’islamophobie. En souvenir de six musulmans qui nous ont été enlevés à Québec, un à Etobicoke et quatre à London, en Ontario. Images également de la campagne du carré vert.

S’il n’y a pas d’enregistrement, il n’y a pas d’histoire, cela ne s’est pas produit. Cet essai photographique est mon récit de ce qui s’est passé le samedi 29 janvier 2022. — HïMY SYeD

Photographs from around Canada being shared on this National Day of Remembrance of the Québec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia. Remembering six Muslims who were taken from us in Québec City, one in Etobicoke, and four in London, Ontario. Images also of the Green Square Campaign.

If there is no record, there is no history, it didn’t happen. This Photographic Essay is my record of what happened on Saturday January 29 2022. — HïMY SYeD

“Je me souviens du 29 janvier, une soirée qu’on croyait banale et qui a finalement tourné à la tragédie.

“Le combat contre l’islamophobie, l’intolérance et la haine repose sur nous tous.

“Il faut s’y opposer, dénoncer, sensibiliser et éduquer.

“Et si jamais l’envie de baisser les bras nous prend, je nous invite à penser à Khaled Belkacemi, Azzeddine Soufiane, Aboubaker Thabti, Mamadou Tanou Barry, Abdelkrim Hassane et Ibrahima Barry qui resteront à jamais gravés dans notre mémoire collective.” — Aref Salim, Chef de l’Opposition officielle à l’Hôtel de ville de Montréal et conseiller de la Ville dans Saint Laurent

( Animation credit : Aref Salim )
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First Ten Days of Ramadan 2021 – Canada and Around The Muslim World

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April 22nd, 2021 Permalink

33 Photographs from the First 10 days of Ramadan 2021. This is the second year of the Pandemic. Masjids are closed. Stay-at-Home orders are in effect. Congregational prayers may be limited to 10 at most. Lockdowns with varying rules depending on city and province have created an uneven Ramadan experience for many Canadian Muslims. With an intention to help re-connect us with Ramadan and fellow Muslims, here is a glimpse of the First 10 Days of Ramadan 2021. Photos are from the Toronto Metropolitan Area, from around Canada, from around The Muslim World.

InshAllah, we’ll post a collection of photographs from the middle 10 days of Ramadan 2021. If you wish to submit your Ramadan photos, tweet us @30Masjids or leave a comment on this post. — HiMY SYeD

Inflatable Masjid and Inflatable Crescent wishing Ramadan Kareem placed in front of Canada’s High Commission in Bangladesh.

Inflatables are from Toronto Area startup New Traditions Store. (Photo Credit : High Commission of Canada in Bangladesh)

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The History of Muslims in Toronto – A Special December Jane’s Walk

December 23rd, 2015 Permalink

The History of Muslims in Toronto – A Special December Jane’s Walk took place on Sunday December 20 2015. About 60 people began the walk in Bloor West Village, starting from in front of Runnymede Station. The walk continued north into The Junction, east through the West Bend neighbourhood, north-east of High Park, ultimately winding into Roncesvalles Village and arriving at Jami Mosque. At least one third of the people stayed until the very end. Each picture in this collection of 49 photographs was captured by Brampton Based Professional Photographer, Herman Custodio.

Walking Toronto through its Muslim history A Sunday Jane’s Walk will take participants through the west end, touring the site of city’s first mosque and other Islamic touchstones. The History of Muslims in TorontoA Special December Jane’s Walk was scheduled with a start time of 11 a.m. on Sunday December 20 2015. To make it easy for people, the meeting point was in front of Runnymede Station, in Bloor West Village. People began arriving as early as 10:30 a.m.

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Anti-Racism Solidarity March in Flemingdon Park arrives at Grenoble Public School

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November 20th, 2015 Permalink

Anti-Racism Solidarity March in Flemingdon Park arrives at Grenoble Public School on Friday November 20 2015.
Recent events of Racism against muslims include a mom on her way to pick up her child at Grenoble Public School. This mom was physically attacked, mugged, and verbally assaulted by two unknown men. This Solidarity March was the community’s answer to this and other recent hate crimes
This is a collection of 17 photographs by HiMY SYeD.

Peace & Solidarity March through Flemingdon Park arrives at Grenoble Public School…
– (Photo Credit: HiMY SYeD) #

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30 Masjids – Southwestern Ontario

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August 7th, 2013 Permalink

Scenes from the first leg of 30Masjids Ontario across Southwestern Ontario. Photographs from Toronto, London, Chatham, and Windsor. Photos by HiMY SYeD, Mike Wise, and Aksa Mahmood. ( 34 Photos Total )

00 - HiMY SYeD with Mary Ito host of CBC Radio One Here and Now in Studio after Interview - Monday July 8 2013 HiMY SYeD in CBC Radio One Studio with CBC Here and Now host Mary Ito being interviewed about 30 Masjids Ontario, on the evening before the first of Ramadan begins.Monday July 8 2013. (Photo Credit: Mark Wise, CBC Toronto )

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Bicycles in Islam – Makkah, Madinah and Toronto

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August 11th, 2012 Permalink

All over the world Muslims ride bicycles in their daily lives for worldly reasons as well as for religious reasons like reaching distant Masjids.

The first three Madinah photographs are from Cape Town residents Nathim Cairncross and Imtiyaz Ahmad Haron who spent nine months in 2010 biking across Africa to reach Makkah and perform the Hajj.

The remaining Makkah and Madinah bicycle photographs were taken during my Umrah trip in May and June of 2011.

Currently during Ramadan 2012, I am visiting 30 Masjids in 30 Days in the Greater Toronto Area.

On Day 13, Wednesday August 1 2012, sometime before sunrise, my bicycle was stolen from in front of Masjid Toronto.

The media got wind of this and it made the news.

Canadian Tire stepped up and offered to replace the stolen bicycle with a new one.

During Umrah last year, I captured as many bicycle photographs as possible hoping to publish them once I got home.

Please forgive the quality of many of the photos, they were taken with my Blackberry. — HiMY SYeD (64 photos total).

Cape Town, South Africa residents Nathim Cairncross and Imtiyaz Ahmad Haron spent nine months in 2010 biking across Africa to reach Makkah and perform the Hajj. Here they with their bikes  outside the Masjid An-Nabawi in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. (Cape 2 Mecca Cycle)

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First Ten Days

August 4th, 2012 Permalink

33 photographs from the first 10 days of Ramadan. Photos are from the Greater Toronto Area captured during‘s visits to break the daily fast in a different masjid everyday . All photos have appeared before in one of the daily posts on the main website. They are presented here as a flavour of the First Ten Days of Ramadan around Toronto. InshAllah, we’ll post a collection of photographs from the middle 10 days of Ramadan 2012. If you wish to submit your Ramadan photos, tweet us @30Masjids or leave a comment on this post. — HiMY SYeD

This is the west wall inside 3047 Dundas Street West. This building was the first Masjid owned and operated by Toronto’s Muslim Community during the 1960s. It was called The Dundas Street Mosque. The metallic Crescent and Star as well as painted minaret artwork we see here somehow survived successive ownerships of the building and has remained exactly where it is for 50 years! The current owners will be renovating the location into a wine-bar.

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Turkish Tiles

July 27th, 2012 Permalink

The Story of Turkish Ceramic Tiles and how they arrived in the Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre via New York City and 15 years. As told by Tevfik Baba. 15 years ago, 126 boxes of Turkish Ceramic Tiles were brought one by one via American Sufi Travellers visiting Istanbul from New York City and beyond. The 126 boxes intended home was to be Sufi Centre in Toronto. At the time, no one knew which building would be purchased and if the number of tiles would be enough. Miraculously, they had exactly the number of Turkish Tiles needed to adorn the Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre which you see in these photographs. The Sufi Centre is located at 274 Birmingham Street at Kipling Avenue in Etobicoke-Lakeshore. (15 photos total) — HiMY SYeD

Art Professor Ahmet Sinav visiting from Turkey watches Tevfik Baba with candy drawer. Tevfik Baba often shares candies with children who are visiting the Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre.


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